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Fingering chart for the modern flute, alto flute and piccolo. Includes alternate fingerings
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Cheap "Mel Bay Antiquities of Scottish Music for Flute and Whistle" Discount Review Shop
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Harry Potter For Recorder (Recorder & Book) (Music Is Fun) Features
The non-jazz improvisation series is a concept that germinated in Dick Weissman's mind while he was attending music school. He wrote a 15-piece arrangement of the old square dance tune, Cripple Creek, and wanted the trombone to take a solo as part of the arrangement. When the trombonist kept playing a bebop solo that was totally unsuitable for the chart, Dick realized that - in addition to the many musicians who do not improvise - there are even jazz musicians who don't know how to improvise outside the limits of their own stylistic backgrounds. The non-jazz improvisation series mostly includes new original tunes that are intended to show how to improvise in many musical styles, including; * Blues * Country * American folk * Latin-American * World music including South American, Eastern European and Asian * Odd meters (playing in a variety of time signatures) * New Age * Classical * Folk-Rock In short, the books are an encyclopedia of virtually every musical style, excluding jazz.
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Cheap "Discover the Lead: Christmas Carols flute book and CD" Discount Review Shop
The instrumental arrangements in this series are completely compatible with each other and can be played in ensembles or as solos. Each instrument book includes a fully-orchestrated accompaniment CD that features a complete demonstration track to aid in learning each song, followed by a play-along accompaniment track. Titles are: Amazing Grace * America (My Country 'Tis of Thee) * America the Beautiful * Armed Forces Medley (Marine's Hymn / The Caissons Go Rolling Along / Anchors Away) * Battle Hymn of the Republic * God Bless the U.S.A. * The Star-Spangled Banner * You're a Grand Old Flag.